Project Loremaster

Intro: Project Loremaster

Posted in housekeeping by theloremaster on January 30, 2009

What is this all about anyway?

I am a fairly recent World of Warcraft player, having only started playing seriously since about April of 2008. While I don’t feel qualified to call myself a veteran under the humorless gaze of the average in-it-since-beta player, I have delved into every store of knowledge about the game I can to have knowledge far beyond my play time. I raided to T5 content in BC before Wrath hit the shelves, and am currently raiding with a guild which, despite being somewhat casual, can clear through all available raiding content in a night.

But I want more.

I’ve been working toward Loremaster/Seeker on my main, but having done bits and pieces of quests long since forgotten while leveling up, it’s a bit like trying to put together a 3000-piece jigsaw puzzle with the pieces scattered haphazardly about Neverland Ranch. So the true goal of Project Loremaster is, I suppose, to see what it would be like to start fresh and do all of the quests in the game with a clean slate. To do this, I made two Death Knights–one Horde, one Alliance–on two different servers on which I have no other characters.

Why Death Knights? Well, let’s be honest; the average new player is not going to stumble across this blog. If anyone takes an interest in it, it’ll probably be a veteran who googled “loremaster” and stumbled on me. Maybe even that’s asking for too much. 🙂 Death Knights will allow me to flit about the low-level content as I like at 120% speed (On a Pale Horse), come with all Azerothian flight paths, and perhaps most importantly, will allow me to solo dungeons when I want to rather than have to LFG/beg for a run/put it off for 20+ levels.

Since I do still have mains to play and alts to level, this will go at my own pace. Additionally, I will want to spend some time prettying up this WordPress space; I’ve never used one of their blogs before. The project will begin, though. 🙂