Project Loremaster

Alliance: Dun Morogh

Posted in alliance by theloremaster on January 31, 2009

You have to start somewhere, and with WoW’s natural progression of prerequisites upon prerequisites, the natural start is at the beginning. Every starting area is essentially the same. The quests are different, but each has a guarded “newbie area,” such as Northshire Abbey or the Valley of Trials. From there you are to quest until about level five, then you are sent to what I refer to as your “level five town.” Examples of this are Brill, Goldshire, or Bloodhoof Village. There is sometimes a secondary quest hub, but generally, completing the rest of the quests in the zone will get a new character to level 12. To start my Alliance Loremaster, I flew from Stormwind to my Dwarf’s former home of Ironforge to quest through Dun Morogh.

Gates of Ironforge

The only half-major hangup in this area is the fact that Stonegear’s Search is classified as a Dun Morogh quest, so I had to stop and pick that up in Ironforge, look ahead, and buy the 6 Incendicite Ore I would need for the followup. It only cost about 4g; not a problem. After turning that in and going to Coldridge, the “newbie area,” there was little issue doing the quests with only QH/Everyquest guiding me.

I found the lack of breadcrumb quests leading to Amberstill Ranch/Bol’Gar Quarry/North Gate Outpost a bit unnerving. Remember to look there! Tundra MacGrann’s quest is also quite easy to miss.

I also missed a breadcrumb quest. Do not take “Shimmer Stout” without taking “Rejold’s New Brew” first. This is supposed to lead you to Brewnall Village, but you’ll likely find your way that direction and take the quests there while killing the boars and wendigos that are a prerquisite for “Rejold’s New Brew,” or at least I did.

Turning in the last quest from Dun Morogh will have you in Loch Modan, but I intend to do all four starting zones before moving up in level range.